undefined - Change Log - illustration 06a6cdda-2e0c-4345-a3de-6be30f5393ad

ReactJS Edition

# QuoteCloud Patch Release Notes - November 27, 2024

We are excited to announce the latest patch release for QuoteCloud, bringing several refinements and fixes to enhance your experience. This update focuses on improving functionality, usability, and stability across key areas


### **Highlights of the Update**#### **Content Libraries Improvements**
- **Thumbnail Preview Fix:** Resolved issues with incorrect thumbnail previews in the content library.
- **Flowchart Image Handling:** Enhanced flowchart image management by enabling copying to and from S3 buckets seamlessly.
- **Flowchart Block Handling:** Improved flowchart paste functionality and removed unused code for better efficiency.
- **Context Menu for Empty Columns:** Added right-click context menus to empty columns for quicker actions.

#### **Product Catalogue Enhancements**
- **Product Status Updates:** Introduced the ability to update product statuses directly within the catalogue for better management.
- **Validation Checks:** Strengthened validation for dates, terms, active statuses, and one-off entries in the product importer.

#### **Form Builder and PDF Rendering**
- **Form Rendering in PDF:** Forms built using the form builder can now be rendered in PDFs, enhancing document completeness.
- **Pointer Adjustments:** Removed hand pointers for eSign elements in PDFs to streamline the user interface.

#### **Pricing Table Updates**
- **Date Formatting:** Added customizable date formatting for pricing tables to ensure consistency and clarity.

#### **eSignature Enhancements**
- **Recipient Management:** Automatically open recipient modals when signing in person to simplify the process.
- **Menu Availability Fixes:** Resolved issues with menu items appearing incorrectly on accepted documents.

#### **Usability Fixes**
- **Totals Table Input Stability:** Fixed an issue causing input jumps in the totals table.
- **Email and Document Tests:** Improved handling of email sending and document testing for edge cases.---

These updates aim to ensure that QuoteCloud continues to deliver an exceptional user experience. Thank you for your ongoing support, and we look forward to your feedback!

Java Edition

August 2023


** COMING SOON ** Due for release week commencing August 21:

Security Audit Report:  Recording additional events:a) user actioned the export of data 
b) user actioned the import data
c) user delete documents - on dashboard
d) user created a document
e) user edited document 
f) user created a new "user role"
g) user changed a users assigned role
h) user created a user profile (login)
i) user modified the privileges on of a role
j) user attempts  to login more than 3 times with the wrong password
k) user attempted to login outside allowed IP range
QuoteCloud User Roles - update:
- Added a new privilege "Allowed to delete documents", default is "on".; all existing roles for existing users is "on"

DELETE ALERT - Trigger an email to the system administrators if a large amount of documents are deleted
a) the threshold to trigger the mass delete action is configurable in company settings
b) the mass delete action alert can be from a multi-select and deleting quotes in one go
c) the mass delete action alert can be deleting a number of quotes one by one in a certain time period.

** COMING SOON ** + ITINERARY CCTE PLUGIN - The CCTE API has been updated to process custom segment types that can be defined in CCTE, for example a segment type called "Motor Home".


+ TRAVEL ITINERARIES - Allow Travel Booking Reference ID's to editable in the sales quote document editor to cover cases where the wrong ID is coming from CCTE/ Tramada or a GDS.

+ CUSTOMER ADDRESS BOOK - CUSTOM FIELDS - Added the ability to define 10 custom fields for use in the Customer Address book, this allows system administrators to define specific data to record for each customer.  This is useful where QuoteCloud is used for a CRM solution and the need to record more information about customers is needed.  Updated functions are:
a) Customer Address Book Maintenance
b) Import and Export of Customer Data via CSV files
c) Document Editor - Text Editor Content Blocks - Data items drop down - now has custom fields for customers available
d) Document Editor - Spreadsheet Content Blocks - Data items drop down - now has custom fields for customers available
e) Zapier API now includes custom fields from the Customer Address Book
f) GraphQL API now includes custom fields from the Customer Address Book

+ SALES QUOTE DASHBOARD - UPDATE STATUS CONTROLLER - If you updated the status of a document on the dashboard - then it broke the document rendering (HTML and PDF) because the Update Status Controller did not regenerate the styles CCS for the document that gets saved with the document, status actions affected were:

a) update "Approved"

b) updated "lost"

c) updated "paid"

d) updated "signed"

e) updated "part signed"

f) updated "part paid"

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - PAGE FOOTER / PAGE HEADER - All colour pickers were not showing the current selected colour value if you edit a row or widget - it was reseting the colour value to 100% transparent all the time.

+ SALES QUOTE VIEWER - updating navigation menu for the Document Viewer - all actions have been moved to a new "action" drop down menu, with the left vertical menu bar not removed.

+ TELCO - CONTRACTS AND PLANS PLUGIN - New feature added to the Telco Service Contracts & Plans software automatically calculates a new data item called "Cooling Off End Date". A cooling-off period refers to a designated span of time during which a person can reconsider and potentially cancel a contract or agreement without incurring any penalties or obligations. This period is intended to provide consumers or parties involved in a transaction with an opportunity to think over their decision and make sure they are comfortable with the terms before finalising the deal. The duration of cooling-off periods varies from one jurisdiction to another and can depend on the specific type of purchase or agreement. It is crucial for consumers to understand their rights during these periods, as it allows them to reconsider their decision, cancel the contract, and obtain a refund if necessary.  These new settings allow you to define the length of the cooling off period and the public holidays that add to the cooling off period. A cooling off period is business days only therefore does not include weekends and public holidays when calculating the expiry date of a cooling off period.  The Cooling Off Date can be displayed in document templates to appear in sales quotes sent to customers, it is also available on the Document Dashboard and in API's (Zapier & GraphQL)

+ TRAVEL ITINERARIES - EDITABLE ITEMS - added "Meals" to be editable on Flights.

July 2023 

+ TRAVEL ITINERARIES -  if a document created from any API - If the "Document Source" is an API not manually created -and it has been moved to trash bin, then if that same document is being recreated from the API, then QuoteCloud will now delete the document in the trash-bin and recreate it from the document template.

+ OPEN/CHANGE STATUS/ACCEPTED - DOCUMENT EMAIL ALERT - TRAVEL ITINERARY PLUGINS -  the email alert sent when a document is opened / changed status / sales quote accepted by a recipient (if travel a plugin is installed the email now included Travel Booking Reference, Travel Destinations, Travel Start Date and Travel End Date)

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - TELCO PRICE TABLES - MOBILE PLANS - SELECT DEVICE - when you open this modal for a second time, it is not rendering the columns in a compact way (width of columns do not look right).  This is now resolved.

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - PRICE TABLE SETTINGS - LABELS - if you switch off tax (AT COMPANY SETTINGS), it should not show any settings that relate to tax, currently the label for tax is appearing in the settings modal.  This has been updated and resolved.

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - TELCO PRICE TABLES - MOBILE PLANS - lets you change the contract term (Min term) (ON DEVICE AND PLAN) after adding a plan and device. this should not be editable.  This change has been made and released.

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - PRICE TABLES - ICONS - Allow the user to click on an icon to edit directly on the price table, instead of needing to open settings. Does not reserve space for an empty icon if none are set.

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - PRICE TABLES - The icons (if used) are showing large on load, then shrink back to normal size. This has been improved and resolved.

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - PRICE TABLES - The option to "allow customers to change quantity to order" can be sent to "on" when the Qty column is hidden on the sales quote.  The user interface has been improved to intelligently hide unwanted data or settings. 

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - ROW HEIGHT - does not intelligently recognise the page size and orientation when setting to half page, 1/4 page height etc.  It was stuck using only measurements for A4 portrait. This has been resolved.

** BUG ** - SECURITY CONTROLLER - You can delete all roles that would allow you to administer user accounts and roles, which means you are forever locked out from managing users.  Protection has been added to prevent this sittuation.

+ COVER PAGE - SALES QUOTE EDITOR - Added Unsplash as an option to use in cover pages

+ SALE QUOTE EDITOR - PRICE TABLE - TOTALS LABELS - when repeating costs are switched off in company settings; and you have additions or tax enabled; and use the detailed type of price table total, the label "one-off costs" is displayed but cannot be edited like other labels can be changed.  This has now been improved and the label is available for modification.

+ GRAPH QL - API Schema update

a) added Product SKU

+ TRAVEL ITINERARY PLUGINS - SALES QUOTE EDITOR - TEXT BLOCKS - added new data Item - Trip View (links to TripView Website), 

+ SALES QUOTE DASHBOARD - allow Revise sales quote document on all document status's

+ TRAVEL ITINERARY PLUGINS - CCTE / TRAMADA / SABRE GDS - Make some data items within segments editable, (note if you resync an intinerary from your mid office or GDS after editing data in QuoteCloud, the data will sync back to that received from the mid-office or GDS.

  1. Remarks
  2. Company Name
  3. Location
  4. Supplier name
  5. flight class
  6. Car details:
    - description
    - status
    - car type
    Flight details:
    - airline/flight
    - departure and arrival terminal
    - origin + destination (string edit not address)
    - address
    - status
    - Contact
    - Service
    - status
    - description
    - status
    - pickup and dropoff
    - Origin + destination
    - seat number
    - company
    Package details:
    - Departure and arrival
    - status
    Activity details:
    - Departure and arrival
    - status
    Cruise details:
    - Departure and arrival
    - cabin
    - status
    Surface details:
    - Departure and arrival
    - status
    Miscellaneous details:
    - Departure and arrival
    - status
    Insurance details:
    - plan
    - cover


available on these Itinerary Styles:

a) explorer

b) helloworld

c) Aeroplane

d) escape

+ QC - CCTE ITINERARY SYNC.- "Price Adjustments" created in CCTE are not appearing on price tables, we have updated the QuoteCloud to display these price adjustment records now.

+ MANUAL TRAVEL ITINERARY WIDGET - If using the manual itinerary widget to add segments in between segments auto generated from CCTE, SABRE GDS, or Tramada, etc  QuoteCloud will now match the same formatting settings used by the Itinerary Segments created from  CCTE, SABRE GDS, or Tramada e.g theme and colour settings, also by default set the passenger booking header to HIDDEN.

+ TRAMADA TRAVEL INTINERARY SYNC PLUGIN - Segments now include "Duration" data item on itinerary segments(Hotel, Tour, Misc, Bus, Train, Ferry, Transfer)

+ TRAVEL ITINERARIES WIDGET - Brisbane airport is coming up as an international airport and not domestic airport

+ CCTE TRAVEL ITINERARY SYNC - Added the "hide" switch like on "pricing section" to allow users to hide the Itinerary section if required, sometimes travel consultants dont actually want to send the itinerary segments and only the price section.

+ CCTE TRAVEL ITINERARY SYNC - ITINERARY SEGMENTS - allow the user to drag and drop the order of segments in QuoteCloud

a) when hovering on the segment QuoteCloud now shows the normal tools action button that users can click on to show the options "up", "down" and "delete" icons

b) travel consultants can drag and drop segments using the "dot dot dot" tool bar action button

+ SUBSCRIPTION BILLING CONTROLLER - We now send an email 3 months out from a Credit Card Expiring, to avoid  issues with access to users QuoteCloud account when subscription collection stops.  

+ BILLING - QuoteCloud Subscripbers can no longer move to the Free plan if they have outstanding invoices to pay, subscribers must pay all invoices first.

+ BILLING - When subscription payments fail users can no longer subscribe to any new plugins until unpaid invoices are paid.

+ API PROTECTION - added more protections to prevent mischievous API Requests overwhelming servers

+ SECURITY UPDATE - Implemented IP Filtering controller to allow corporate QuoteCloud customers to use a VPN to access QuoteCloud and restrict the access to a company account based on an IP address range.

+ CCTE TRAVEL ITINERARY SYNC - HOTEL SEGMENTS - If hotel segments are using the duration field in CCTE we now take account of this formula: Qty x number of nights x rate.

+ ITINERARY - ORIGIN DATA ITEM - new data item firstDeparturePort is now avialable - this data item is using the itinerary segment and looks for the first segment with an origin (earliest date) and use this for firstDeparturePort

June 2023

+ COVER PAGE - removed itinerary widget from Insert cotent menu as not applicable to the cover page.

+ COVER PAGE - The Insert Widget (plus icon) does not let you "Paste" so when you copy a row you are forced to paste inside a row, creating an unwanted inner row.

+ SALES QUOTE DOCUMENT VIEWER - FORMS - There is now a "Fill in" tab that appears on the left of the document that moves to point to where input fields need completing, or document needs a signature

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - when editing a document data items embedded display the value available for that data item (if available) rather than the data item name.

+ OPEN AI BUTTON (CHAT GPT) - Add a dismiss button to the Setup AI tab at the bottom of the Document Editor so this can easily be removed if unwanted

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - Added a new video guide for new users 

+ TELCO PLUGIN - SETUP GUIDE - Added a new video guide for new system adminstrators wanting to configure the product catalogue and plans catalogue for the Telco Contract and Plans plugin

+ COPY QUOTE - improvements have been made to this function as follows:

a) colour settings are now copied from the source document (sales quote)

b) the cover page background image is now copied from the source document

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - You can Edit a document, copy the link and open another tab, paste the link, then edit the same document in different tabs, as soon as you save and review it will break the content on one or more of the other tabs. This is an issue with web sockets and has since been improved.

+ NEW ACCOUNT - REGISTRATION - Consultant Role - we now set the default for consultant role to be allowed discounting in sales quotes

+ CCTE TRAVEL ITINERARY SYNC - When revising a travel sales quote, and segments are added and where a travel consulting inserts content added under a travel intinerary segment, QuoteCloud now intelligently works out the segment that this content belongs based on date and destination, or a unique segment id if it exists.  This mean that QuoteCloud is better able to retain the position of content in relation to travel itinerary segments when the document is resyncs with CCTE, Tramada and Sabre GDS

* BUG * CCTE TRAVEL ITINERARY SYNC - SEGMENTS MISSING - if two or more segments have same type, date, location etc then QuoteCloud is not rendering the itinerary fully. This issue is resolved.

* BUG * CCTE TRAVEL ITINERARY SYNC - PRICE ADDITIONS - we have learnt that some types of Price Additions should not have GST applied, so we have updated the controller generating the price tables from CCTE not to apply GST on those additions that should not have it. This issue is resolved.

* BUG * - CCTE TRAVEL ITINERARY SYNC - INSURANCE SEGMENT - Travel Insurance segment types are not bringing over comments (remarks). This issue is resolved.

+ SECURITY AUDIT REPORT - for new accounts when there is no activity - the audit report does display - updated to show a message no activity to report.

+ EMAIL CAMPAIGNS - BUG FIX -  Send confirmation message - stays on screen even after you click send.

+ SECURITY AUDIT REPORT -  for corporate security compliance a new report tool is now available to report the login events 

+ NEW ACCOUNT REGISTRATION - TRAVEL SECTOR - I selecting the sector as teh industry in the account setup process, QuoteCloud offers these plugins CCTE / SABRE / TRAMADA / EXPRESS TICKETS - if selected default account settings will be different:

a) if a NEW QC TRIAL REGISTRATION - AND I select the "Travel" industry" then set the price table "additions" column "on"

b) if I activate Travel plugin is  (subscribed to) and the additions column is off then set the price table "additions" column "on"

c) switch on "Team Editing" by default (only on initial registration)

d) set date format to EEE DD MMM YYYY

reason: CCTE, Sabre, Express Docs, Tramada use the additions column for Taxes and Levies

+ TRAVEL ITINERARY PLUGINS - new PRIMARY DESTINATION data Item - this is available as a data item in Sales Quote Editor for text blocks and spreadsheet content blocks

+ CCTE TRAVEL ITINERARY SYNC - The document link in CCTE now opens the QuoteCloud document in "Edit mode", not view mode.

May 2023

+ COVER PAGES - Updated the Upload file to let you choose from unsplash or upload your own file

+ COPY SALES QUOTE - Did not offer the cover page that was on the sales quote being copied, the cover page is now copied from the source document.

+ HAND OVER CONTROLLER - When you do a hand-over to another sales consultant and you are using data items in the sales quote, (consultant first name and consultant last name) when you view the PDF format it is not showing the correct value, because the PDF does not get regenerated from a "handover" action.  The handover action will now regenerate the PDF

+ TRAVEL ITINERARY PLUGINS - ACCOMODATION - UNIT OF MEASURE - this segment can be sold by Day, Night, Person and Total, QuoteCloud now handles this situation.

+ TRAVEL ITINERARY PLUGINS - CRUISE SEGMENTS - UNIT OF MEASURE - Check it this can be sold by day/night and total, QuoteCloud now handles this situation.


a) Itinerary Destinations ItineraryDestinations

b) Travel Start Date TravelStartDate

c) Travel End Date TravelEndDate

+ SALES QUOTE DASHBOARD - VISIBLE COLUMNS - UX Improvement - increase usability for column sort and selection to display on the sales quote dashboard 

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - TABLE FORMATTING - The options to set a border for top of table, bottom of table, and rows have been improved to operate more intuitively 

+ *BUG FIX * - SECURITY UPDATE - the privilege "Can change Subscriptions and setup the Payment Method"  is not preventing access to the subscribe to plugins and access the payments & billing area

+ SECURITY - Added a new privilege to prevent export of customer data from the customer address book

+ SECURITY UPDATE - Add new setting to User Roles, to prevent access to the Export Data function on the sales quote dashboard

+ SECURITY UPDATE - added control to disallow access to each export function i.e. product catalogue; telco devices, plans, etc sales quote dashboard; 


+ TRAVEL ITINERARY PLUGINS - added 24 hour time format in itineraries

+ TRAVEL ITINERARY PLUGUNS - PRICE TABLES - BUG FIX - the prices are showing 4 decimal places in some cases

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - PAGE SETTINGS - in border style there is an option "Inherit' - this does nothing in QuoteCloud and came from HTML/CSS standards.  Default should be None and remove "inherit" as there is nothing to inherit from.

+ SECURITY UPDATE - CREATE DOCUMENT - Customer lookup feature - If you type then backspace (e.g. in the first name field) it shows the complete list of  customers below. this was identified as a data security risk, this action is not prevented. 

+ PUBLIC TEMPLATE LIBRARY - There is a new imporved Helloworld Branded Itinerary styled template available for all Helloworld branded and affiliate agencies.

+ SYSTEM SETTINGS - DISCOUNT BANDS - Previously you could change the dropdown in discount settings from DISCOUNT to MARK UP or MARGIN - this drop down should not be changable once the data is saved, QuoteCloud now only allows the drop down to select options when creating a new record, not editing an existing option.


April 2023

+ EMAIL CAMPAIGNS - a new restriction has been applied to sending email campaigns, email campaign sending is only allowed if sending from your own linked email account. i.e. Google API, Microsoft or SMTP.

+ EDIT PROFILE /COMPANY SETTINGS - EMAIL SIGNATURES - Not allowing images to be uploaded (as attachments), this feature is now avialable when editing default email content settings at both company and user account level

+ SECURITY UPGRADE - Updated all 3rd party software libraries to latest safe versions based on security checks

+ ** BUG ** - CUSTOM FIELDS - You cannot change the column title of a custom field in a price table. This is now available.

+ PDF DOCUMENT FORMAT - FORM BUILDER - CHECK BOX DATA TYPE- The label wraps under the checkbox on PDF format only. Is updated to show the label next to the check box on the same line now.

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - PRICE TABLE - PRICE LINE ITEM - Added new option "Make Optional" this displays a radio button for the customer to select this as an option and avoids needing to group line items under a sub-heading in order to make a single line item optional.

Mar 2023

+ ITINERARY SYNC PLUGIN - CCTE - Implemented filter to open QC Documents using a specific pattern that can be setup in CCTE, e.g. quote.cloud/PCC(AgentCode)/CCTE-booking-id. The user must have an active login session to open the document using this url

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - TEXT EDITOR - COPY AND PASTE images - Is not defaulting the width to 100%, at the moment the image goes off page. This has now been improved and is resolved.

+ quote.cloud domain name has been implemented to supercede the original quotecloud.net domain.  The legacy domain name quotecloud.net will remain active.

+ SALES QUOTE VIEWER - QUOTE PREVIEW - FORMS - CLUSTERED ROWS - You can click on the ADD button when "previewing" the quote, which serves no purpose.  This has been resolved.

+ MANAGE PRODUCT CATALOGUE - If opened from Sales Quote Editor - if you use the data import or export tool it breaks the page. This has been improved and resolved.

+ SALES QUOTE DASHBOARD - VERSIONS MODAL - The document title is showing encrypted at the modal title bar, this has been fixed and released.

+ DOCUMENT TEMPLATE LIBRARY - If you rename a document template it removes the "description" it seems to be remembering the last block of text used in this modal.  This has been fixed and released.

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - If you set PDF header or PDF footer to 0px height you cannot get access to the tool bar any more. The user interface has been updated to show the toolbar for the row if you hover of the PDF PAGE  FOOTER or PDF PAGE HEADER label (pill).

+ SALES QUOTE DASHBOARD - The "Support" button in the left column navigation bar is only working for the sales quote dashboard, none of the others, i.e. inbox, campaigns, forecast, etc.  This has been updated and resolved.

+ NEW TEMPLATE - This process now prompts for name and description before opening the document editor, we found the previous method had issues trying to use content libraries, and having more than one user create a new template in an account.  

+  TEXT EDITOR - The text editor has been upgraded to now use the Tiny Text Editor - this is a far more powerful content editor that the previous technology and bring with it many new features and improved copy and paste technology.  the Editor has been upgraded in these components:

a) text content library

b) product catalogue notes

d) send document/sales quote modal

e) form builder - content block widget

f) Email campaign editor

g) Telco - Contracts and Plans plugin - Devices

h) Telco - Contracts and Plans - Phone system hardware

i) PDF - Page Header and Footer Content - Text Block

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - The "PDF PAGE FOOTER" label shows on top of the price table options menu if you happen to be at the bottom of the page and click on the ... button. This UI issue has been improved and resolved.

+ USER PROFILE PREFERENCES - SALES QUOTE EDITOR - Added a new switch to "Edit Profile" to toggle Text Editor 'right mouse click' preferences: show "text editor contextual menu" or the "web browser menu".  this is useful where users prefer to access the spell checking available in the browsers right click action, rather the text editor contextual options.

+ USER MANAGEMENT - updated company settings to allow a system administrator to force Two Factor Authentication for all users in a company

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - SPREADSHEET TOOL - Allow the sales consultant to connect the quantity field to a price table linme item to a spreadsheet value, (same as can be done for description and price currently)

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - SPREADSHEET / TEXT BLOCKS - DATA ITEMS - updated the available list of data items to embedd in text blocks and spreadsheets to include all available price table total costs data items, e.g. Full term cost (EX TAX) , Full Term cost GST,  Tull Term Cost (INC TAX), Total Cost (EX TAX), Total Cost (Inc Tax)

+ SALES DOCUMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS (TOC) - the list numbering in a TOC when set to Auto does not seem to make sense. It should default to None, as there is no point to an option called "Auto".

+ SALES QUOTE DASHBOARD - EXPORT TO CSV - The export file does not contain all the attributes that are available - updated this export tool to contain all newer data items available

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - FORMATTING COLOUR - when using the colour picker, and you use the colour picker it changes the colour on the document as you move around the colour pallet, however, if you click cancel on the colour picker it does not set the colour back to the previous value, this feature has been improved.

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - SECTION TITLE - If you customise the colour it updates the colour in the document, but if you switch off the customised colour, it does not update the document in edit mode.

+ ESIGN - ORDER NOW - REMOVE SIGNATURE - This fucntion is not working in the "order now" function, this has now been resolved

+ PRODUCT CSV IMPORT - Now we have SKU as a data item in the product catalogue we have made this available as he main identifier instead of the legacy "record id"

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - COPY - FORMS - Copy and paste of a form stopped working, it was just created an empty form, this is now resolved.

+ NEW ACCOUNT REGISTRATION - Default the country based on the domain name extension e.g. com.au should default to Australia, .co.uk or .uk should default to Unitied Kingdom etc

+ TEMPLATES - SYSTEM DEFAULT - BLANK DOCUMENT TEMPLATE - The blank document template is not properly styling the Additional Fee column, this is now working correctly

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - PRICE TABLE - COLUMNS HEADINGS - The column headings for custom field and additional fee do not 100% match the current settings when you use the price table settings modal - this is now resolved

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - PRICE TABLE - COLUMNS HEADINGS -The "upper case" and "capitalise" setting for column headings when set in Price Table formating formatting modal are not represented as they are set when you go to the price table settings modal.  the Price Table settings modal always displayed them as upper case

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - PRICE TABLES - If you create a blank quote - then create price table - click the 'preview' toggle switch - you don't see borders - but if you save and review, then go back and preview everything is fine - this has been improved now

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - PRICE TABLE STYLES - The price line notes border value (left) does not get returned when you have a value in it and reopen it later on. This is resolved.

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - Performance optimise Database Queries

+ SALES QUOTE VIEWER - Performance optimise Database Queries 

+ TELCO CONTRACT AND PLANS PLUGIN S- PHONE SYSTEM PRODUCT - removed the images at Monthly Pricing level as would never be used

+ SYSTEM DEFAULTS - BLANK COVER PAGE - Update the format of the default cover page for Blank Documents with updated design layout

+ SYSTEM DEFAULTS - BLANK COVER PAGE - Updated the default cover page background image

Feb 2023

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - PRICE TABLE - TOTALS SECTION - If Margin, Discount and markups are not used then we will no longer show the column in the editor - currently it is greyed out, now does not display at all.

+ SALES QUOTE VIEWER - FORMS - if a form is the last item in.a sales quote, it does not render the page background colour. This has been fixed.

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - PRICE TABLE - Additional Fee isn't formatting properly when it's a recurring cost. shows 0 instead of 0.00.  This has been resolved

+ COVER PAGE - UPLOAD FILE - If you attempt to upload Webp format it fails, this has been upgraded to allow this format to be used.

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - PRICE TABLE - The "Additional Fee" column heading is not listening to the alignment settings.  This has been resolved.

AI TAB - Added a tab to bottom of the Sales Quote Editor:

a) tab only appears if you have access to company setting priviledge

b) the tab contains the same settings that appear in the "Company Settings" modal for AI setup

c) after setting up the AI the tab disappears

d) allows the user to dismiss the tab if they don't want to setup AI at all

+ REGISTRATION CONTROLLER - Added intellegence to offer useful plugins based on your industry - e.g. travel - suggests the travel plugins.

+ REGISTRATION CONTROLLER - SAFARI BUG - Phone number was marked as required even though the phone number was entered, if you remove the spaces it let's you through though.  This has been improved and resolved.

+ EMAIL CAMPAIGNS - AUDIENCE - the import pogress modal never closes - it does seem to complete the import though.  This has been improved and resolved

+ CONTACT ADDRESS BOOK - CONTACT NOTES - Cannot delete a note - you get an error. This is now fixed

+ BUG - BILLING SETTINGS - You should be able to edit Company details without having to add a credit card, this has been modified and resolved.

** BUG ** + SALES QUOTE EDITOR - PRICE TABLES - FOOTER STYLE - MAIN TOTALS LABLES - Setting the Heading Case to "Capitalize" does not change the labels in the editor view, although the sales quote document viewer does display correctly.  This has been improved and resolved.

+ CHAT GPT - implemented Chat GPT inside QuoteCloud to write proposal content.

+ SALES QUOTE VIEWER - FORMS - MULTIPLE FORM SUBMISSIONS - When allowing the user to submit more than one form submission, the button to allow you to save the form submissions can end up off screen and you cannot scroll to it.  This has been improved and resolved.

+ SALES QUOTE VIEWER -  When repeating cost feature is switched off in account settings, the option in price table settings for "total recurring cost" is displayed but is of no use, this option is now hidden in this sittuation to keep the user itnerface tidy.

** BUG **  ESIGNATURES - It is possible for a user to leave a quote open in their browser, the sales consultant then revises the quote; but the customer e-signs the sales quote they left open.  The system then errors, this has been resolved

** BUG ** COMPANY SETTINGS / BLANK TEMPLATE - After implementing Blank Template to replace edit styles and company settings, the Tax label is no longer set correctly based on the country you select.  This has been resolved.

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - PRICE TABLE - CUSTOM FIELDS - If you sort the columns using custom fields, the save and preview, come back, then open setting again you will find the custom fields order put them at the bottom (right side) of the table, this has been improved and resolved.

** BUG ** SALES QUOTE EDITOR - PAGE SETTINGS - CONTENT SETTINGS - If you backspace in any of the input fields, it puts a "-" but does not change this in the document view, if you put 0 it works. If you backspace the software should set 0 as the value if it is going to show "-".  This has now been improved and resolved.

+ BUG - SALES QUOTE EDITOR - If you set a background colour on a row then group price line items - it is not handling the background colour nicely. This has now been improved and resolved.

+ QC - SALES QUOTE EDITOR - PRICE TABLE SETTINGS - REMOVE TAX - If you remove tax in a price table - and preview - the software correctly removes the "Total" column, however if you switch tax on it should put the total column back in when you preview - but it does not. This has now been improved and resolved.

Jan 2023

+ PRICE TABLE - TOTALS SECTION - SIMPLE FORMAT - new option to simplify the display of price table totals to Sub Total, tax and total including tax.

+ TELCO - DEVICES - SKU's - Added a "Copy Image Set" button to SKU, so you can copy and paste a set of images to other SKU's for a Device.

+ TELCO - DEVICES - SKUS - Added a Duplicate button to the SKU  so you can duplicate the record (and images) to save time uploading the same set of images if the same (e.g. on SIZE changed but colour did not)

+ SALES QUOTE DASHBOARD - when scrolling down the list of documents, the head / columns row now stick to the top so you don't lose left and right scroll buttons and column headings.  This was a usablilty improvement.

+ COVER PAGES - SAFARI ISSUE - If you try to use the upload file feature to add a cover page in the sales quote editor / cover pages - it does not work - this was a Safari browser only issue.  This is now resolved.

+ TRAVEL ITINERARY WIDGET - Added a setting for Icon Style - "Line" or "Solid", and Font Weight for the Icon - default is 500;

* BUG * - SALES QUOTE EDITOR / SALES QUOTE VIEWER - Tax isn't showing up after switch on and then off "remove tax" from price table settings, total column is missing as well especially when "Additional fee" is enabled.  This is now resolved.

+ WORKFLOW - APPROVING - When you click on the approve link in the email, and you are not logged in, after you login it does not take you to the quote to approve it, you have to go find it. It now takes you to the quote that needs approving so it is an easies process.

* BUG.* - SALES QUOTE EDITOR - PRICE TABLE - ADDITIONAL FEE column - the currency value is not being formatted correctly. missing decimal places. This is now resolved

+ SECURITY ROLES - if a user has the role permission "Only allow edit and create of users in my own sales team" enabled on their role, then they must not have access to assigning a role that would let them create users that can then edit teams outside their own team.

** BUG ** - SALES QUOTE EDITOR - PRICE TABLE - NOTES FORMAT - Is not respecting the FONT STYLE Setting - I set it to italic - but did not show in sales quote viewer. This is now resolved

** BUG ** - SALES QUOTE EDITOR - PRICE TABLE - NOTES FORMAT - Is not respecting the BORDER WIDTH Setting. This is now resolved

+ NEW WIDGET - MANUALLY CREATE TRAVEL ITINERARIES - A new plugin is avialable to create an Travel Itinerary Content Block, this new smart widget allows a sales consultant to create style travel itineraries, for flights, hotels, car hire and more..


if "Allow access to create, edit, and delete User Accounts settings" is set to "off"; then grey out the switch "Allow access to create, edit, and delete Users in Other Teams" and set the switch "off"

+ SECURITY CONTROLLER - USER ROLES - New setting for "Customer Address Book" 

a) added new role settings for:

1. "Can add customers to address book when creating sales quotes"

2  " Has access to Customer Address Book search from the Create Sales Quote wizard"


December 2022

+ SALES QUOTE DASHBOARD - DOCUMENT SETTINGS MODAL - Added the data items Document Title, Document Subtitle, Document ID to top of this modal, the data items Document Title and Document Subtitle is only editable when the status is "Creating" or "Revising" i.e you can still edit the document.

+ BILLING SYSTEM - FREE PLAN - If you moved from a paid plan to free plan, the system immediately moved you to the free plan level instead of waiting for the paid period to end and then move to the free tier functionality, this has been changed to allow users continued use of the Paid features until the end of the paid period.

+ SALES QUOTE DASHBOARD - New Column "PDF File Size" is now available to display the file size of the PDF doc for curreny version of each sales quote version, this allows sales consultants and system administrator to monitor the file size of documents being created.  This file size display has also been added to the sales quote template library document list modal.

a) also add this column to the templates list view so you can easily see the size of your template.

** BUG FIX ** - SALES QUOTE EDITOR - Cloning sections/rows/widgets did not work if there are forms/signs/spreadsheets content blocks, this has been fixed.

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - APPEND BUTTON - Was adding the content block after the row, instead of at the end of the column you have active.  This behaviour has been updated to append content blocks to the column you have active.

+ WORKFLOW - APPROVING SALES QUOTES - When you click on the "Approve" link in the email sent to the person that is to approve a sales consultants sales quote before sending to the customer; and if you are not logged in, after you login it does not take you to the quote to approve it, you have to go find it. It should take you to the quote that needs approving so it is an easy process.

+ SALES QUOTE VIEWER - PRICE TABLES - use case update:

a) create a price table with a section heading and a bunch of price line items; then switch on the sub total feature

b) set the line item to be optional (multi choice)

c) view the quote, and then click order now

d) if you click on options in the price table it does not update the subtotal - it does update the price table total though

The above use case has been updated so that the sales quote viewer will correctly show the updated sub-total as the sales quote recipient selects optional price line items.  The above update to QuoteCloud also applies to the prices tables that allow customer to adjust the Quantity to Order, this also now updates subtotals on Price Sections when changed by customers.

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - Update to allow copy & paste of a spreadsheet in a sales quote document.

+ BUG FIX - TEMPLATES - When editing a template there is a option in the "cover page" section called "Approval Settings" this should be a tab inside "Document Settings modal". moved these settings to the Document Settings Modal - called "Approval Settings".

+ CONTACT ADDRESS BOOK - The column sort was not working in the data table, this has now been patched

+ CONTACT ADDRESS BOOK - The column headings were not lining up with the data in the data table, this has now been patched

** BUG ** + QC - BILLING CONTROLLER - if you subscribe to forms or e-signature - add them to a template, then unsubscribe from the plugins, these forms and e-signature still remain in the template.

a) if the e-signature or forms existing in the template - then do not allow a sales quote created with these features to be shared or sent - display a message that this quote contains a form or e-signature and to upgrade payment plan first.

+ BILLING SYSTEM - Your invoices will be combined to one invoice, currently the plugins added to your QuoteCloud account generate their own invoice, meaning that customers that are subscribed to a number of plugins can get several or move invoices along with their regular QuoteCloud subscription invoice.  The billing system has been updated to combine invoiced into one convenient invoice sent once a month.

+ CONTRACTS AND PLANS (TELCO) PLUGIN - The product catalogue libraries for Devices now allows you to add up to 5 images per SKU for a device, this means, for example, if you sell an iphone 14, that is available in 5 colours, you can upload images of each colour to the appropriate SKU; the correct image that properly represents that SKU can be shown in Sales quote Price Tables.

November 2022

+ NEW ACCOUNT DEFAULTS - The system defaults for blank documents has been improved to provide nicer default settings, this update only applies to new accounts registered.  If you want to update your own blank document default settings, please go to your template library and edit your "Blank Document" template.

+ BUG FIX - SALES QUOTE EDITOR - COPY AND PASTE OF CONTENT - In some sittuations the browser was locking up when performing a copy and paste action, this was caused by the icon file upload feature in price tables conflicting with the copy / paste action.  This has been resolved now.

+ BUG FIX - SALES QUOTE EDITOR - PAGE HEADER AND FOOTER - If you add content to the PDF Page Header or Page Footer, then click save and review and open the PDF format - it does not show the new header/footer content.  To make it work you needed to change something in the body of the sales quote document then save and review - then the header/footer content will show up.  This bug has been resolved.

+ LOGIN PAGE - If your account is locked because you entered the wrong password too many times a message appears - "Account Locked" but nothing in the interface was helping the user by giving instructions on how to unlock your account.  This area has been improved to provide a nicer experience for users that were locked out of their account.

+ SECURITY - Introduced Two Factor Authentication (2FA) option for user accounts (this is optional for user to switch on via their "edit profile".  2FA is an extra layer of security used to make sure that people trying to gain access to an online account are who they say they are. First, a user will enter their username and a password. Then, instead of immediately gaining access, they will be required to provide another piece of information. This second factor in QuoteCloud is a code that is emailed to the sales consultants email address.

+ SALES CONTRACTS AND PLANS PLUGIN - DEVICES, PHONE SYSTEM and PLANS Catalogues - there is now an option to export data from these product catalogues to a CSV file 

acceptance test : export from Telstra account and import into a new registered account to ensure easy use of software for both export and import.

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - TABLE OF CONTENTS WIDGET - There is now an option to not show the page numers for each section title or heading in the PDF Format.  The default is always to show the page numbers for each table of content item. 

+ FORM BUILDER - Form submissions from a sales quote recipient can now be integrated to other applications via Zapier and the GraphQL API

+ API - New Total Profit Margin Total Markup and Total Discount  for a sales quote can now be sent to other applicatiobn via Zapier and GraphQL API's

+ CREATE SALES QUOTE WIZARD - ADD RECIPIENTS - if you add recipients from the customer address book, in addition to the primary recipient it does not render the input fields "Phone Number" and "Street Address"; the create sales quote wizard has now been updated to show these input fields

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - SECTION TABS - the tool bar for Section Tabs has been updated to allows the sales consultant to duplicate an entire section

October 2022

+ SALES TEAMS - added new unique id field for "Team ID" so sales teams can be given a unique Id for data reporting and future API integration points

+ TELCO - CONTRACTS AND PLANS SOFTWARE EXTENSION - Contract Plans admin, there is a new data filter fieature added to the SKUs tab where the administrator assigns SKU's to a Service Plan Contract.  This allows the adminstrator to easily filter data they might be wanting to focus on.  For example, if you wanted to update all the pricing for iPhone 14 SKU's you can filter by product name or SKU name to see only these SKU's and then zip through the prices just for those product SKU's

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - Add a new button on section tabs to duplicate a section of content

+ SALES QUOTE VIEWER - E-SIGNATURE - reduced the font size of the date signed, to prevent any wrapping of dates if month name is long and date format shows full month name

+ SALES QUOTE DASHBOARD - VISIBLE COLUMNS - UX IMPROVEMENT - Add a close icon to the top right corner of the modal, because there is nothing in the UI telling the user how to close the modal.

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - TELCO CONTRACTS AND PLANS PLUGIN - added new category folder level to the phone system product catalogue - the phone system product catalogue now has 3 category levels to help organise very large product catalogues.

+ SALES QUOTE DASHBOARD - CREATE QUOTE - Remove the modal that asks if you want to "open" the quote or "open later" it is an unnecessary step.

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR / SALES QUOTE VIEWER - updated the PDF page header and footer sections to allow users to specify 



September 2022

a) stage 1 - performance (load & save time) improvements for the document editor

b) stage 1 - performance improvements to the sales document dashboard

c) removal of the following options in the Configuration menu that relate to setting defaults for creating blank documents :

i) default price table settings

ii) default style settings

The above menu options are replaced by a new "Blank Template" that you will see in your Templates library.  This means all sales documents are always created from a template in order to get page settings & price table formatting settings, cover page design, etc.


On Sunday October 2, 2022 at 8am PST - duration max 12hrs, the Stage 2 Performance Upgrade will be performed.  This update relates to the database for QuoteCloud, there will be an upgrade the database technology currently implemented.  This upgrade improves the database technolgy in use and will reduce the time to read & write data.


 Stage 3 performance improvements - moving sales document JSON from the file system to the database - date to be announced


New opt-in software extensions  now available:

a) CCTE Plug-in - Integration to Tres CCTE generate Travel  Itineraries directly from CCTE

b) Tramada Plug-in - Integration with Tramada to generate Travel Itineraries directly from Tramada

c) Contact Harvest Tool - Perform a Google Search in this plugin and QuoteCloud will scan website home pages for email address & telephone numbers to create a cold call list for your sales team


New Features

a) add icons to your price table column headings (click on the COGS icon ~ price table settings; and choose the columns tab; you can choose an can from the menu or upload your own image file (png, webp, or svg are the best formats, GIF and JPEG also work)

b) CONTRACTS & PLANS PLUGIN - When adding a service plan price table, QuoteCloud will automatically add the service line item,. then show the product catalogue with the plans tab open ready for the user to add a plan to the price table

c) CONTRACTS & PLANS PLUGIN - Devices and Phone System product catalogues now have 2 folder category levels

d) SALES DOCUMENT EDITOR - TEXT BLOCK - TABLES - If you set the borders off, then show a dotted line when you hover over the table so you can still see the cell borders

e) PDF - PAGE HEADER / FOOTER - Allowing an option to set the height of the page header - previously was hard coded to 58px. Users can now set their own header and footer row height


August 2022

+ TELCO - CONTRACTS AND PLANS PLUGIN - the new options to rename the "DEVICES" and "PHONE SYSTEMS" entities to any name, this is ideal if you want to use the Contracts and Plans plugin if you do not operate in the Telco sector


May 2022

+ SALES QUOTE DASHBOARD - Add "new" badge to the "Extensions" icon on the left

a) sort the "new" extensions so they are first on the list. 

+ SALES FORECAST - Allocating a quote to a month stopped working, patched to repair functionality

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - ROW TOOL BAR - Change to position of row tool bar to improve usability

- API - EMAIL TRANSMISSION CONTROLLER - Prevent mischeivious users creating scripts to send emails and spam people


Apr 2022

+ EMAIL CAMPAIGN - TEST EMAIL BUTTON - added re-captcha to the test email send button to stop mischeivious users creating scripts to send emails and spam people

+ USER ACTIVATION - When you are a new user and your account is not activated because you did not click on the link the login page says "wrong password", which is misleading - changed to "You have not activated your account, please check your email for an activation link, or speak to your system administrator to ask for it to be resent"

+ IMAGE LIBRARY - Images are sorted alphabetically in thumbnail view now, instead of by date created.

+ TEXT LIBRARY - The tool bars for Tables and Images do not appear so you cannot amend any settings here, patched software to make operational again.

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - VIDEO WDIGET - Allow the customer to upload a video file MP4 etc and have our own player.  Also allow user to upload a thumbnail image for the video. Note uploading videos to your account will add to your storage costs, please be careful when uploading videos to check file size.

+ UX - ROW MENU - If you have the a text block active (Text editor nav bar is on) and click the icon to show the Row tool bar - then click back in the text area - the Row tool bar does not collapse, patched software to prevent this issue.

+ SALES QUOTE VIEWER - PRICING TABLE View - removed horizontal lines in totals area

+ EMAIL CAMPAIGN EDITOR - editor widget icons out of place or missing

+ SALES PROCESS WORKFLOW - After approving a quote the software logs you out, patched software to prevent this

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - TABLE STYLES - added a no cell/row borders option

+ COVER PAGE EDITOR - Add widget drop down menu user interface updated to newer standard

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - IMAGE SETTINGS - no longer showing the delete image button if there is no image uploaded yet

+ SALES QUOTE VIEWER - MOBILE VIEW - Scroll not working

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - FORMS - Add save to forms content library button back to the toolbar, disappeared after UI upgrades

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - ROW/COLUMN TOOLBARS - Usability update - add glowing dot to highlight the Row/Inner Row or Column/Inner Column active for tool bar options.

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - COLUMN BACKGROUND - Adding colour to one column adds to other columns in a row if more than one column set in a row.

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - TOOLBARS - Up and Down arrows not working on cover page - patched and released.

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - COVER PAGE - Add "text" and "image" widgets to new row menu options (bring inline with main editor)

+ PDF CONTENT LIBRARY LIBRARY - Added the ability to give PDF files an alias so users can set a friendly name for a file, previously the folder tree would list PDF files using the file name, this was not always user friendly.

+ SALES QUOTE DASHBOARD - NOTIFICATIONS - make notification clickable

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - when you hover on a content block the tool bars do not show if you have moved your mouse over the insert plus bar first.


Feb 2022

+ SUBSCRIPTION BILLING CONTROLLER - Allow QuoteCloud customers to choose Annual payments

+ CREATE QUOTE / USE TEMPLATE FROM QC WEBSITE - When you use a public template, or register an account from a public template it is not bringing through the font settings from the template e.g. font size; thgis was updated and released to nicely handle settings from public library templates.

+ PRODUCT CATALOGUE - The Icons over the image thumbnails are white and too hard to see, change to impove usability

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR / SALES QUOTE VIEWER - Page background colour / image

a) update the system to make all widgets transparent - currently coded to set to white #fff - this will allow the page background colour to be seen through a widget

b) add a new option to page settings: default content block background colour - default is transparent

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - When sorting a row or widget - the tool bar immediately collapses - meaning you have to click on the button to expand the tool bar in order to sort the item up or down again. Updated the user interface to improve this and leave expanded

+ SALES QUOTE DASHBOARD - Add new column "Customer last viewed", "Number of views"

a) add new column to db 

c) if no date - or null - do not show a date show hyphen  (centered)

+ COVER PAGE EDITOR - "remove background settings" is not showing unless you save and refresh the page; updated to improve the user experience so refresh is not required


Jan 2022

+ PAGE BACKGROUND COLOUR -  added a new option to set a default row background colour/transparent.

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - WYSIWYG - If you apply a border radius to a row - it does not appear in the editor (does in viewer), improved user interface to make more WYSIWYG

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - WYSIWYG - when you add an overlay (colour) to a column - it does not fill on the editor - but does fill in the viewer; improved the editor for a more WYSIWIG experience

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - WYSIWYG - when you change margin/padding settings on a content block or column or row - it does not immediately effect the editor, if you save and preview you can see the change though.  Updated software for a more WYSIWYG experience


+ SETTINGS - Add switch to hide the option for sales quote recipient to download as PDF

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - COVER PAGE EDITOR - Add the Un-splash feature to the cover page library with crop tool to crop to correct page size -

+ QUOTE CLOUD API - Released new native API's and documentation on the QuoteCloud website; these are available as an alternative to using Zapier

December 2021

Sales Quote Editor

PDF FILES AND IMAGE FILES - When adding a PDF and file-size is too big - previously we do not inform the user, we just abandonded the file upload;  now we need to elegantly handle the event and inform the user what they should do. The following processes were improved: a) PDF library;  b) Add adhoc PDF in Sales Quote Editor;  c) create sales quote from PDF;  d) we applied the same update when uploading images also (image library, add image, create quote from image);  e) the max file size has also been increase from 12mb to 100mb (we do not recommend uploading images larger than10mb as the upload wait time maybe too long for users with a slower internet connection.

Sales Quote Editor

Content Libraries

PDF LIBRARY - Previously you could not assign a friendly name to a PDF in the PDF Content library; so the name appearing in the sales quote editor was always the filename, we now provide the option to give a friendly name - this friendly name (or alias) will show instead of the file-name in the content library folder tree displayed when in the Sales Quote Editor.

November 2021

Sales Quote Editor, System Settings

FONT BOOK - a new feature is available to allow the system administrator to upload your own font family. These additional fonts can the be used in your sales quotes and sales quote templates along with the built-in fonts available in QuoteCloud. This feature is particularly useful for organisations that have purchased a font for use in all corporate material and need QuoteCloud to use the same font family for documents.

Sales Quote Editor

PRICE TABLE - a new toggle switch has been added to price tables that allow the sales consultant to preview the price table as it would appear to the customer, and toggle back to edit mode. this saves from performing a complete save and preview of the entire document in order to just see how a price table will present to a customer.

Sales Quote Editor

PRICE TABLE - Add the ability to change the column labels by hovering over the label on the price table in the editor

Sales Quote Editor

TEAM EDITING - Updates to the Team Editing Controller to not open a document if it is already being edited by someone - an on screen alert will appear on the sales quote dashboard instead. This update prevents wasted server processing time.

Sales Quote Editor

WYSWIG updates - the entire User Interface has been upgraded to improve the "what you see is what you get" while editing content to reduce the need to save & preview the sales quote.

System Settings

COMPANY DISCOUNT SETTINGS - updated to not allow the threshold feature to be used for Margin or Markup - it is only available for Discount a) do not show the Threshold field in the type field is set to any other value than "Discount" b) if the user changes the type field from discount, then remove the threshold value and hide the field - do not allow a value to be saved in threshold if the type is set to margin or markup

System Settings

ZAPIER - Upgrade to new version of the Zapier platform (rest version)


PAYMENT PLUGIN - new features: a) add a new "Apply a Discount when paying online" which can be a value or a percentage, default is 0 (zero) b) add a new toggle switch "Prompt for Gratuity (tip), before processing payment", by default this is "off". c) if the "gratuity" flag is "on" then show an input field for "Gratuity message prompt" where the user can type the message they want to appear next to the Gratuity amount field. d) on the payment modal the input field for the recipient (ie the end customer) can be either a value or Percentage for the tip. e) in the email sent for the payment this must detail the amount of "tip paid", seperate from the amount of the quote already shown in the email

Content Libraries

PDF LIBRARY - PDF library now has the ability to create sub-folders to organise a large content library.

Content Libraries

PRODUCT CATALOGUE - add new URL field to allow product image to be clickable to an external URL

Content Libraries

PRODUCT CATALOGUE - add new URL field to allow product image to be clickable to an external URL

October 2021

Sales Quote Editor

PDF WIDGET - if a PDF that is uploaded to a sales proposal/quote and has a password it broke the sales quote viewer, now it auto sets the PDF to download button not rendered inline

Sales Quote Editor

User Interface upgrade - the entire User Interface has been overhauled to be more WYSWYIG with current standard for UX design.

Sales Quote Editor

TEAM EDITING - Changed the Team Editing controller to option to not open a document if it is already being edited by someone else - the software will now just show the alert without first loading the document this improvement saves time and prevents unnecessary download and server-side processing.

Sales Quote Editor

LOCKED TEXT BLOCK - removed the pink background to indicate the content block is not editable

Sales Quote Editor

PRICE TABLES - PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENTS - load times have been reduced when processing to render a large number of price line items (in multiple price tables)

Sales Quote Viewer

Removed white background behind the section tabs on the left for cosmetic improvements and preparation for future updates to the sales quote viewer

Sales Quote Viewer

Removed padding so document bleeds edge to edge in the body content area, this is done in preparation for more improvements in the future.

Sales Quote Editor

COPY AND PASTE TEXT - Updated copy/paste controller to keep the formatting when you copy and paste from one text block to another. Note: this will also allow copy and paste from websites that might have undesired outcome if script from webpages manages to get into the document content.


CREATE DOCUMENT WIZARD - load time improvements using local storage, this has dramatically reduced the load time when initiate the create sales quote modal.

Sales Quote Editor

When the price table is switched off (ie no price section), the sales quote editor will no longer default to opening in the price section of the document, instead the default will be to the first section of the sales quote (if available).

Sales Quote Viewer

A new feature to get a "share" url link to open a sales quote/proposal, this allows sales consultants to email from their own email account, or share through another communications channel e.g. iMessage, Slack, etc.

Email Campaign

The legacy method of attaching a sales quote to an email campagin has been replaced with the new "share" link feature. If a sales consultant would like to bulk send a sales quote template, use the "share" function when editing a template.

September 2021


If a customer moves from business plan to solo or free - they must first delete users so only one user exists.

Sales Forecast

LIST VIEW - Change the column "Status" to show the word instead of the icon, so it is consistent with the sales quote dashboard.

Sales Quote Dashboard

CREATE SALES QUOTE WIZARD - SALES QUOTE STYLE TAB - Added a toggle switch for page orientation to filter the cover pages available, also add drop down for page size to set the page size and filter the cover pages available to select. See screenshot in slack that shows where to add this toggle switch and drop down.

Sales Quote Dashboard

Stop the transparent overlay from displaying of the slide out right panels

Sales Quote Dashboard

POPUP STATUS MESSAGE BOXES - Addition of "Company Name" and "Contact Name" (and if there is a value show phone number) to the message boxes that appear in the bottom right of the page. Previously only have Quote Number was displayed

Sales Quote Dashboard

CREATE SALES QUOTE WIZARD - New feature to upload your own cover page image from your local drive (crop using the same crop tool as is in the cover page library).

Sales Quote Editor

Addition of a "Cogs" icon in bottom left corner of section tabs, this opens the side modal to allow the user to make changes to the Section Tab Format settings

Sales Quote Editor

Addition of a Toggle Switch to bottom left of tab bar to allow use to switch on or off the Section Tabs in the sales quote viewer.

Sales Quote Editor

Removed the gap between the text tool bar and the row tool bar - leaving only 1 px gap to minimise the space required for the tool bars

Sales Quote Editor

The function to add an Adhoc Image has bee updated - when uploading an image but then "cancel" before uploading the image, was leaving an empty content block in the row that you cannot get remove of unless deleting the entire row

Sales Quote Editor

MORE.... - DOCUMENT SETTINGS - "Sales Quote Expire Date" now available in this modal

Sales Quote Editor

Addition of new toggle switches on the Section Tabs to hide cover page and price table sections (easy access directly on the section tab instead of navigating to page settings)

Sales Quote Editor

BUG FIX - PAGE SETTINGS - Headings Section - headings, body formatting - if you change the settings, e.g. uppercase, bold, underline - the first time it shows correctly in the editor, but change a second time it does not update the editor.

Sales Quote Editor

COVER PAGE SECTION - Navigation: a) the "more..." button now displays the same sub-menu as the other sections b) removed the icons for Payment Settings, Custom Fields and Page Settings as these covered in the More.. menu c) added the "text library" icon to the tool bar in cover page section to allow users to add text blocks to cover pages d) added the "image library" icon to the tool bar in the cover page section to allow users to add images to cover page section

Sales Quote Editor, Sales Quote Viewer

The formatting of Headings in text blocks was not exactly the same the text formatting in edit mode and view mode is now identical

Sales Quote Viewer

DATA ENTRY FORMS - DATE PICKER - when displaying a sales quote on a touch device such as iPhone or tablets the native date picker was not being initiated.

Template Manager

NEW TEMPLATE CREATION - the legacy "fixed layout" for cover pages has been depreciated not the cover pages will only use the normal editor to manage content overlaid on top of the background cover page image.

July & August 2021

Sales Quote Editor, Sales Quote Dashboard

Page size selection improvements: a) increased the available page size options to include Ledger, Legal, Letter, previously only A4 was available; b) when creating a quote the wizard will automatically set the page size and orientation based on the cover page that you select; c) the cover page library now displays a badge on the thumbnail informing the user of the page size i.e. A4, Letter, Legal, Ledger; d) in the Sales Quote Editor, the user can directly access the administration of the cover page library from the editor, if their security role allows; e) when creating a sales quote the cover page content will automatically adjust to fit; f) if you change the page size - the software will automatically adjust the content blocks of the cover pages; g) added the ability to open the cover page library from the "cover page" tab three dots on to right corner; h) when creating a new quote from a template, the template will have a preset page size and page orientation, the cover pages display to choose would respect this setting and only show the cover pages that would work; i) when using a blank quote in the create quote wizard, we should set the page orientation and page size based on the cover page selected. (we show all available cover pages).

Sales Quote Editor, Template Manager

COVER PAGE SETTINGS - all settings for cover pages are now available at sales quote template and sales quote level

Sales Quote Editor, Extensions/Plugins

CURRENCY SELECTION - is now available when the Payments Plugin is installed, previously multi currency was not available when the Payments Plugin was in use.

Sales Quote Dashboard

ACCOUNT SECURITY - A limit of 6 login Attempts before a user account will be locked, an unlock link is available for real users to unlock their account can be sent to their email address

Sales Quote Editor

PRICE TABLE: Changed the label "One-off" to "Repeating Cost" and reverse the checkbox, ie so it is ticked when a repeating cost, instead of ticked when a one-off cost. the value stored in the database remains the same to ensure all existing sales quotes and templates. integration is not affected.

Sales Quote Editor

Added support for more paper sizes (for PDF format): a) Letter (8.5 x 11 inches), Legal (8.5 x 14 inches) and Ledger (11 x 17 inches) formats; b) cover pages also understand the paper sizes and will attempt to switch to a suitable cover page if the sales consultant changes the page size; c) cover page thumbnails - a "badge" has been added to the thumbnail to indicate the paper size.

Sales Quote Dashboard

ACCOUNT SECURITY CONTROLLER - Added a limit of password forgot requests from the same IP address within 1 hour to 3 requests.

System Settings

ACCOUNT SECURITY CONTROLLER - Added option "never" to the reset password setting - meaning sales consultants will not need to reset your login after x months, this is also the default for all new accounts created.

System Settings

NEW ACCOUNT CREATION - implemented a new mechanism of email verification - where new users can verify their email later, however cannot send a quote until the email is verified

Sales Quote Editor

SECTION TABS - previously when you clicked on a tab the title of the section sits under the grey tool bar at the top so you cant see it, this has been adjusted so the section title will show now.

Sales Quote Editor

PRICE TABLES - BUG - The discount column was rounding to nearest whole number, this has been fixed to correctly display decimal values.

Sales Quote Dashboard

BUG - CREATE QUOTE WIZARD - The system templates (public Library) was missing "more..." drop down for additional categories of industry templates.

Sales Quote Dashboard

NEW ACCOUNT CREATION - Quick register using Google Account is now available

Sales Quote Dashboard

NEW ACOUNT START UP WIZARD - Automated the local and timezone settings on start, to avoid prompting new users for information that can be automated.

Sales Quote Editor

E-SIGNATURE WIDGET - to create a more WYSIWYG experience, the sales quote editor now renders the electronic signature content block as it would show in the sales quote viewer. The e-signature settings are now on the tool bar cogs icon.

Sales Quote Editor

PRICE TABLES - If you change a column label in the price table settings, the sales quote editor will also now show that new column label, previously only the sales quote editor displayed varied column labels.

Sales Quote Editor

PRICE TABLE SETTINGS - Setting of the NOTES styling in the price table settings was not working - it did not actually apply the styling to the price table when you previewed it.

Sales Quote Editor

PRICE TABLE - Removed the line border above the notes row in a price line item.

Content Libraries

SALES QUOTE TEMPLATE LIBRARY - A new library of sales quote and sales proposal templates is now available on the QuoteCloud website. Customer can browse the library and create a new account using any template published.

Sales Quote Viewer

Input fields have been tagged for smartphones and tablets to show the most appropriate keyboard layout for input fields, e.g. numeric pad for number input fields: a) sales quote forms, numeric, currency fields b) price table - quantity field c) email address (sales quote "forward email" feature) d) payment modal

June 2021

System Settings

DEFAULT SALES QUOTE PRICE TABLE SETTINGS - previously if you changed the price table footer content, it changed existing quotes this behaviour has been changed so that only new sales quotes created are affect with the default price table settings.

System Settings

CUSTOM PRICE FIELDS - New feature - it is now possible to create additional price fields(in custom fields feature) and add them to the price table, these additional prices will be added to the normal price and multiplied by the qty. This new feature creates the ability to have up to 10 additional prices added to a price table for each line item.

Sales Quote Editor

TEXT CONTENT BLOCKS & EMBEDDED DATA ITEMS - if you have a embedded data item "total cost" in a text block or spreadsheet, and there are price tables that have price line options, when you select a price option the total cost value previously was not automatically updated. This has been improved so that when a customer selects price options form price tables the "total cost" data item if in a text or spreadsheet block will now auto-update as price options are selected

Sales Quote Editor

PDF PAGE HEADER/FOOTER - copy and paste of Image in a text block was breaking the process to generate the PDF format of a sales quote.

Sales Quote Editor

PDF PAGE HEADER/FOOTER - Add Image widget was not working

Sales Quote Viewer

SALES QUOTE ORDER APPROVAL PROCESS - performance improvements have been developed to reduce the time to process an order approval with e-signatures.

Sales Quote Viewer

The default cover page content box (lower) has been modified to format the same as the top content box i.e. solid colour background with white colour text.

Sales Quote Dashboard

EMPTY TRASH BIN - A "Close" button has been added to the left of the "Empty Trash bin" red button. Previously it was not obvious to the user how to close the trash bin view and return to the normal dashboard.

Sales Quote Editor

PDF PAGE HEADER/FOOTER - Add Image widget was not working

Sales Quote Dashboard

TRASH BIN - When using the feature to select mutiple rows, the action to delete the selected rows has been added to the "Action" menu.

Sales Quote Dashboard

TRASH BIN - Row selector, added the feature to use CTRL and SHIFT keys to select multiple rows.

Sales Quote Editor, Sales Quote Viewer

The default cover page content box (lower) has been modified to format the same as the top content box i.e. solid colour background with white colour text.

Sales Quote Editor, Sales Quote Viewer

ORDER NOW - OPTIONAL LINE ITEMS / CUSTOMER CAN CHANGE QTY - When using the "ORDER NOW" button from the Save & Preview function was not allowing the sales consultant/customer select price table options, this has now been resolved.


May 2021

+ EMAIL CAMPAIGN - BUTTON WIDGET - Change label "Label Colour" to "Label Text Colour"

+ SALES QUOTE DASHBOARD - Added a new column for "Sales Quote Date Sent/Resent" 

+ MOBILE USER INTERFACE - Improvements to the Mobile Device User interface experience for the sales quote viewer, for e-signatures, payments, and order approval processing.  

+ ESIGNATURES - If you have multiple places in a sales quote to e-sign and either you are named to sign multiple places, or it is set to anyone to sign, you need to currently get multiple verification codes for each e-signature - this has been changed so that a customer only needs to verify once based on their session.

+ SMTP SETUP - Setup My Domain previously allowed the account administrator to you create SMTP details that do not work, this has now been prevented by sending a verification email.

+ SALES QUOTE DASHBOARD - NOTES FEATURE - a system notice is now added to the notes for a sales quote when payments are made by a customer, including the payment amount, customer information and the payment transaction ID

+ SALES QUOTE DASHBOARD - NOTES - more information about an esignature event as been added to the notes history for a sales quote.  This information now includes sales quote recipient that e-signed, date and time, esign ID, IP address, etc i.e. everything that appears on the esign certificate.

+ CUSTOMER PAYMENTS - when using the "order now" feature available in the sales quote "save & preview" function, QuoteCloud will now send the payment confirmation to the primary recipient.  The email generated with payment confirmation details, alsop has the sales quote PDF attached, payment ref id, payment amount, (and currency), payment date, sales quote reference identification, sales quote title, sales quote subtitle, customer company name, recipients names, and email addresses.

April 2021

+ SALES QUOTE DASHBOARD - Introduce Web Sockets instead of polling 
a) convert the team editing feature to use web sockets
b) quote comments feature - to show in browser alert while logged into QuoteCloud
c) notifications in browser - e.g. quote opened, accepted, etc
d) email campaigns - show notification when the campaign is sent completed

March 2021

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR / VIEWER - If the section titles on the left column exceed the height of the browser window you cannot get to the bottom sections that are off screen, improvements to allow scolling of the section titles seperately from the main cotent body

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - SAVE AND PREVIEW - previously a sales consultant would need to send a sales proposal/quote to a customer, to be able to use the "order now" feature (order now is used when the sales consultant is with their customer and can approve the order with the customer.  The order now feature has been updated to allow a sales proposal/quote to be immediately approved while the sales consultant is with the customer, with esign and payment processing also available (if used in a sales proposal/quote) without needing to send the quote to the customer.

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - The price line description field can be configured to get a value from a spreadsheet in the sales proposal/quote.  This feature uses the same method as used for getting a product price for a line item, learn more here.

+ EMAIL CAMPAIGN MANAGER - a duplicate campaign feature is now available to easily copy an entire campaign setup.

+ USER SECURITY CONTROLLER - new settings added to User Roles (added to a new tab for "CAMPAIGNS"):

a) Allow access to manage audience data
b) Allow access to campaign manager
c) Allow access to campaign company template manager


i) all Legacy (existing ROLES) the above settings are all ON

ii) for new QUOTECLOUD registrations the "Administrator" Role will have all the above settings as ON

iii) for new QUOTECLOUD registrations the "Consultant" Role will have all the above settings as ON, except for Company Template Manager

i) logic for the above settings you can have b) ON and c) OFF but you cannot have C) ON if b) is OFF

+ MARKUP/DISCOUNT CONTROLLER - If you set 0 in the Discount Threshold field it seems to create a bad confusing/experience for first time users when configuring discount rules and then creating pricing tables in sales proposals/quotes; 0 is no longer allowed in the threshold field, as it immediately triggers a discount in a sales quote.

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - update to the content libraries, the "manage" button (icon with three dots) now has a drop down with options to "Add/Edit Library", and "Refresh Library".

+ SALES QUOTE CREATION / EDITOR - QuoteCloud now allows the sales consultant to create multiple sales proposal/quote recipients capturing first name, last name, email address, phone number, for each person,  these data items are also available to embed as data items in a sales quote.

+ SALES QUOTE DASHBOARD - New onscreen event alerts.  Green message boxes will appear in the bottom right of the dashboard when important events occur, such as sales proposa/quote recipient opens, read, approves, signs, or pays.  Other events include a sales proposal/quote recipient opening an expired sales proposal/quote 

+ CREATE SALES QUOTE WIZARD - Added the option to select no cover page in step 2

+ EMAIL CAMPAIGNS - EMAIL EDITOR - previously there were multiple buttons (the big grey plus) (insert content block) buttons in between every row,now there is just one insert widget button at the bottom of the content page.  this makes the content page less cluttered when designing the email message content

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR  - PRICE TABLE SETTINGS - new option to change column labels in a specific price table

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - PRICE TABLE SETTINGS - new option to change field labels for a specific price table

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - PRICE TABLE SETTINGS - new option to change style settings for a specific price table, e.g.label and data font sizes, colours, borders, etc

+ FORM BUILDER PLUGIN - New software extension available to build forms into your sales proposals/quotes - this software extension provides the functionality to add multiple forms to your sales proposals/quotes.  Forms can be simple or complex with all data types available, e.g. text, number, date, checkbox, radio buttons, upload files, etc.

+ When setting currency for a sales proposal/quote to "Indian Rupee" and the profit margin widget is showing, it the currency value does not put commas and decimal points in, just one long number.  the format has been improved to make reading the currency number easier for users

+ EMAIL CAMPAIGNS - added the ability to link a sales quote to an email campaign, for a bulk sales quote send to an audience 

a)  fadded a "Create Sales Order" button to the Email Editor

b) the sales quote editor when used from an email campaign is the normal SQE but will not create a sales proposal/quote on the sales consultants dashboard.  Instead it will create a new type of "Sales Order Template".

d) the Sales Quote Viewer has been updated to understand the new type of sales proposal/quote from an email campaign.  The sales quote recipient (customer) can view the sales quote attached to an email as normal, however when they approve, it will create a sales quote on the sales consultants dashboard as an "accepted" or "Accepted e-signed" order (if an esignature is used in the sales proposal/quote).

e) the sales quote viewer also understands embedded data items, as this will work differently when sending from a campaign. i.e. customer name will come from the Audience data, some other data items may not work for a bulk send as these sales quote are created through the normal Sales Quote Create Wizard.

f) as a recipient - when I accept a sales quote, I am prompted for my details, (default the email address):

i) first name, last name

ii) company name

iii) email address

iv) phone number

v) address

+ DISCOUNT CONTROLLER -  the number of e qty discount breaks  has been increased from 5 to 10. 

+ EMAIL AUDIENCE -  It is not possible to download a sample import file, making it difficult for sales consultants (quotecloud users) to workout the correct format of the CSV file to prepare an import file containing contacts to add to an audience

December 2020

+ SALES QUOTE DASHBOARD - increased use of local storage to improve load time of the sales quote dashboard

+ SALES PROPOSAL / SALES QUOTE EDITOR - Password protect a sales proposal, so that when a recipient opens a sales proposal, they must use a password that you give to them.  This is an optional extra security layer that you can add to your highly sensitve sales proposals.

+ COVER PAGE LIBRARY - UI update - modal page width increaed to 100% width to maximise the view of coverpage thumbnails

Quotecloud Software Extensions

+ New software plugin release to build forms in sales proposals / quotes. Software allows for custom made online form data collection when a customer approves a sales proposals/quotes.  Sales Consultants can also save forms to a forms content library to reuse in other sales proposals / quotes.


October 2020

+ SALES PROPOSAL / SALES QUOTE EDITOR - When Team Editing is active, QuoteCloud now locks a sales proposal / quote while a user is editing, then if another user attempts to edit the same quote, QuoteCloud will alert the other user that is currently editing that sales proposal / quote, to ask them if they would like to let the other person take over editing

+ SALES QUOTE REVISIONS - If a customer opens on an old sales proposal / quote that has been revised, the system will inform the customer - that this quote has been revised, and ask would they like to open the current version? YES / NO

System Rules:

a) check that the customer is still on the recipient list for the sales proposal / quote, if they are not the recipient for the revised sales proposal / quote, they cannot open the new revised sales quote, instead just show the information screen to inform the customer that the sales proposal / quote has expired. 

b) if the customer clicks the link to view the new quote, then don't send the customer is viewing an revised quote.

c) make sure this does not affect the check for expired quotes, that error is different to the revised quote.

+ SALES QUOTE DASHBOARD - Websockets added for live chat and active sales quote editor session 

+ SALES QUOTE DASHBOARD - Fixed Bugs with setting up your own domain to send sales proposals / quotes from

+ SALES QUOTE DASHBOARD - Added additional Google Address lookup to address type input fields

+ SALES QUOTE DASHBOARD - Additional browser support for drag and drop videos in Sales Quote Editor

+ SALES QUOTE DASHBOARD - New background save and load process for Sales Quote Rditor 

+ SALES QUOTE DASHBOARD - Sales Quote Dashboard Speed and stability improvements

+ SALES QUOTE DASHBOARD - Ability to choose a default sales proposal / quote template

+ SALES QUOTE DASHBOARD - Save proposal creation wizard improvements to look and feel

+ SALES QUOTE DASHBOARD - Order now button now defaultes to "on" in sales proposal / quotes templates

+ SALES QUOTE DASHBOARD - New sales proposal / quote status for "delivered" on the Sales Quote Dashboard

+ SALES QUOTE DASHBOARD - Email Campaign Editor iUser Interface improvements

+ SALES QUOTE DASHBOARD - New Help Tooltip based tutorial topics database

+ SALES QUOTE DASHBOARD - New drag and drop experience for pricing tables in the Sales Quote Editor

+ SALES QUOTE DASHBOARD - Improved session stability for user logins, to maintain and active user session when logged into QuoteCloud

+ SALES QUOTE DASHBOARD - Added intercom Live Chat service 

+ SALES QUOTE DASHBOARD - Updated the Sales Quote Dashboard with the ability to mark multiple sales proposal / quotes as lost at the same time (bulk update)

+ SALES QUOTE DASHBOARD - Fixed issues when deleting old sales proposals / quotes

+ SALES QUOTE DASHBOARD - Fixed issue adding custom email setting to your user account


September 2, 2020 release

+ EMAIL CAMPAIGN EDITOR - new option allow a hyperlink on an image when using the image widget

+ PRICE TABLE - when a hyperlink exists in sales proposal / quote price line notes field that contains &, the PDF format of the sales proposal / quote would fail to generate, this has now been fixed.

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - Adding a new helper text on a "Row widget", pointing to the tab bar "You can drag and drop any row or content block to another position, give it a go." This is to help new users understand that they can drag and drop rows of content.

+ SALES FORECAST - a new icon to allow users to open the sales proposal / quote (PDF Version) to make it easier to view sales proposals / quotes when working on the sales forecast dashboard (bucket view)

+ NEW SOFTWARE PLUGIN - The travel itinerary plugins will provide integration to the Tramada mid-office system to allow QuoteCloud to be used to create sales proposals  / quotes with travel itineraries automatically generated from Tramada.


September 2020

+ SALES QUOTE DASHBOARD - The bulk update now allows you to set quote status to "lost", previous only the delete action was allowed.

+ SALES QUOTE DASHBOARD - A status filter that identifies the origin of a sales proposal /.quote (ie. created by a Sales Consultant, Created from an Email Campaign)

a) a new column called "Source" is available in the "Visible Columns" menu, values are "Email Campaign", "Sales Consultant"

b) default for the "Source" column on new accounts is not visible

c) default for the "Source" column existing accounts is not visible

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - Spreadsheet value can now be used in content and price table:

a) show cell values in a spreadsheet in a text block e.g. $VALUE{[SheetName]:E1}

b) set a price  in a price table row set from a cell value in a spreadsheet $value{[SheetName]:E1}

c) if the user deletes a spreadsheet any macros that they have added to a text block are invalidated with #ref

d) new option added to the "options" modal in price table, this will allow the sales consultant to set a price value to a spreadsheet cell value.

e) if price is set to a spreadsheet cell value, the price cannot be changed by the sales consultant within price table itself, they must use the spreadsheet or remove the reference to the spreadsheet for that price line item

f) if a price line item is set to a spreadsheet value, then;

i) if that sales consultant deletes the spreadsheet, the user cannot save and preview, or save until the error is resolved, scroll to first occurence of error highlighted in red dotted background and fix the reference to the removed spreadsheet

ii) if the value in the spreadsheet is not a numeric value,  the user cannot save and preview, or save until the error is resolved, scroll to first occurence of error and highlight in red  dotted background and fix the issue

iii) if the value on the spreadsheet becomes a non-numeric value, the user cannot save and preview, or save until the error is resolved, scroll to first occurence of error and highlight in red  dotted background and fix the issue

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - The sales consultant now has the option to password protect a sales proposal / quote, so when a customer receives a sales quote they need to type a password to open the document (both PDF and HTML formats).  To apply a password to a sales proposal, click the "...more" button (right navigation menu) and open "Document Settings"



i) New API that will trigger a sales proposal / quote from a website

ii) API cannot be triggered by unauthorised people, the API key is required to access an account to create sales proposals / quotes.

iii) the API needs to include all the items to create a quote, sales consultant, customer details, template to use (if not then blank) 

iv) if workflow is installed, and the sales consultant requires approval to send, the approval is still required.

Bug Fixes

+ fixed issue with popup blocker preventing quote editor, double campaign save notification fixed

+ Updated drag and drop behaviour for content libraries, to make it easier to drop an item, also highlights the "drop bar" with a rollover colour to improve user experience

+ Sales Quote Viewer/Editor - update to fix video null value causing view to fail

+ fix the google address lookup feature in the create sales proposal / quote wizard - this had stopped working after the previous major software update.

Update "set up my domain" to have a switch for:
1. "default email service" (postman@quotecloud.net with the reply to address set as the sales consultants email address)
2. send from my email address (verification of email address required)
3. use my SMTP email Service
b) the option 2 above is now at sales consultant level not company level.
c) should option 3 be at sales consultant level, meaning all settings are at sales consultant level not at company level?


August 2020

+ CUSTOMER CONTACT HISTORY CONTROLLER - Send Sales Proposal / Quote - The send sales proposal / quote process now updates the customer notes feature to record the email content when a sales proposal is sent.  This email content can now be viewed in the "Consultant Notes/Contact history" feature from the sales quote dashboard.  This email content also appears in the Sales Quote Viewer (Comments Section) when the customer views the sales proposal

+ CUSTOMER ADDRESS BOOK - User Interface upgrade - the user interface has been improved for better management of customer records, including bulk selection of customers in the data table list to perform bulk actions

+ SAVE SALES QUOTE PROCESS - check the size of the sales proposal / quote versus the available space in local storage, to prevent failure in save process

+ EMAIL ALERTS - EMAIL SENT WHEN A COMMENT IS MADE - Make the labels Name; Email; Phone Number and Company bold

+ DEPRECIATED FEATURE - SALES QUOTE EDITOR - the create on behalf of feature is being depreciated, it will no longer be available in new customer accounts, if the option is switched of in existing customer accounts it cannot be switched on again.  The feature will be fully removed in a future release.

+ NEW -  EMAIL MARKETING PLUGIN - Think mailchimp... creating email marketing campaigns to send to customers and prospects - same features as Mailchimp but cheaper... and have the extra functionality of QuoteCloud as part of an email campaign.

+ NEW -  EMAIL MARKETING PLUGIN - create standard sales orders - builk send to customers, and let customers choose the qty to order e-sign / approve / even make payment...

+ NEW -  EMAIL MARKETING PLUGIN - sales orders received are created as accepted sales proposals / quotes on the sales proposal dashboard. 

+ NEW -  EMAIL MARKETING PLUGIN - Use the email plugin with QuoteCloud features or just as a stand alone email marketing tool... everything in one place.

+ SALES QUOTE VIEWER - New side menu bar in the sales proposal /quote viewer for improved navigation to features in the viewer.

+ SALES QUOTE VIEWER - New "...more" option added to the right menu column, this feature provides quick access to the following features:

a) View as PDF - view the sales proposal / quote in PDF format
b) Show Recipients - adjust the recipients for a sales proposal / quote
c) Page Settings - adjust the colour scheme, background page colour, show/hide section titles, show/hide tab navigation, show/hide table of contents, page orientation, headings and fonts, content margins and padding settings, tab navigation style setting, table formatting setting.
d) settings specific to this sales proposal / quote, this will override defaults from the sales proposal / quote template, or company defaults
e) Document Settings - show/hide the discussion and order now features
f) Cover Settings - quick access to the sales proposal / quote cover page settings; select the cover page image, adjust the sales proposal / quote title and subtitle
g) Cover Page-  for quick access to cover page options

+ SALES PROPOSAL DASHBOARD - Select multiple sales proposals /quotes for a bulk delete action. There is now a check-box column on the far left of the sales proposal / quote dashboard, this checkbox will allow sales consultants to select multiple sales proposals / quotes.  This same multi-select checkbox option is also available in the trash-bin feature, allowing the sales consultant to choose more than one sales proposal / quotes to restore from the trashbin in one go.

+ CREATE SALES QUOTE / SALES PROPOSAL WIZARD - The create sales proposal /quote wizard has been updated:

a) added easy access to public sales proposal / quote templates, options are now: blank sales proposal / quote; choose from the company templates; choose from the public library of sales proposal templates
b) new user interface design for the create sales proposal / quote process

+ BUG FIX - SALES PROPOSAL EDITOR - when using "design my own cover page" the customer can copy the data item names from a public sales proposal / quote template, however these data item names are not compatible and do not show on a sales proposals / quotes, this has now been fixed.

+ SALES PROPOSAL EDITOR -Drag and drop now available for all content blocks when creating and editing sales proposal / quote content, i.e. text, image, PDF, price tables, spreadsheets, videos, rows - click on the tab for any type of content block and drag it to another position.

+ SALES PROPOSAL EDITOR -Duplicate row feature now available in the sales proposal / quote editor to allow users to quickly copy content in a row

+ SALES PROPOSAL EDITOR -Price Table - the Summarise price rows has been enhaced to introduce a "Subtotal" version to this feature, instead of hiding the price rows below the "subtotal" option will display the subtotal of the price of the grouped price line items (same as the Summarise option) however it will still display the price line items below.

+ SALES PROPOSAL EDITOR -New "Copy Row" feature will allow users to copy the entire contents of a content row and paste to another existing row, new row, another sales proposal / quote or another sales proposal / quote section.

+ PRICING PLAN UPDATE - We are making QuoteCloud a free of charge service for individuals that create five (5) or less sales proposals / quotes a month

+ SALES FORECAST TOOL - The Sales Forecast tool now has a new type of "view", the "bucket view", this new user interface will show five buckets of confidence being "Very Doubtful", "Not Confident" "50/50", "Confident", "Verbal Approval", by default a new sales proposal / quote will start in the 50/50 bucket.  The sales consultant simply needs to drag each sales proposal / quote to the bucket that represents their confidence in winning that sales deal. They can also set the Forecast month when they think a win/loss result would be known.

+ COMPANY SETTINGS -  LABELS & MESSAGES CONTROLLER - minor UI update, category of labels (tabs) switched to be vertical 

+ COMPANY SETTINGS -  MESSAGES CONTROLLER - Google language translation has been implemented to this feature to automatically convert the English language based labels and messages to any supported language conversion by Google, pretty much every language in the world.

+ SALES PROPOSAL / SALES QUOTE EDITOR - youtube (video links) break the PDF if they have parameters on the link for example &rel=...

+ EDIT STYLES CONTROLLER -  - the "Heading 4" font settings has been added to this area, because the sales proposal / quote editor allows for Heading 4 but does not let you set the formatting for it.

+ SALES QUOTE EDITOR - Override Sales Proposal / Quote page style settings for a specific sales proposal.  Currently default font settings and colour schemes, etc can be set at company (account level), sales proposal template level.  Now you can set them for an individual sales proposal to overide the defaults from the company or sales proposal template.

+ SALES QUOTE VIEWER - two new tab navigation styles available for sales proposals, a defautl tab style can be set at company level, or within a sales propsal / quote template, or set for an individual sales proposal / quote.

+ LIVE CHAT plugin - we have implemented two popular live chat services, these can be activated from the "Extensions" area in QuoteCloud. 

+ SALES PROPOSAL / SALES QUOTE VIEWER- A new left column navigation bar has been implemented to allow for new features when customer view your sales proposals / quotes

a) Comments, with a timeline style for commentary between customers and sales consultants

b) Recipients, Lists tof he Recipients (Name and Email Address))

c) Forward - customer can forward the sales proposal / quote to another person.

d) View as PDF

+ BUG FIX - ESIGNATURE CONTROLLER - the esignature certificate does not render correctly (PDF Format) when the sales proposal / quote is in landscape orientation

Bug Fixes

+ SALES PROPOSAL / SALES QUOTE EDITOR - Send Quote Button missing if "team editing" is switched on

+ SALES PROPOSAL / SALES QUOTE EDITOR - Numeric Rouning improved to round decimal points when markup/discount & margins applied to sales proposals / quotes.

+ SALES PROPOSAL / SALES QUOTE VIEWER - If I have "comments" or "recipients" open, then click on "forward" but cancel the modal to forward.it leaves this empty white space

+ SYSTEM WIDE - Removed Lucene Indexing from all code to tune sysmte performance

+ SALES PROPOSAL / SALES QUOTE EDITOR - I attempted to drag an image from the image library to a sales proposal / quote, but it would not add the image, just created an empty row.

+ SALES PROPOSAL / SALES QUOTE DASHBOARD - The column sort feature stopped working

+ SALES PROPOSAL / SALES QUOTE DASHBOARD - the very left hand column is being cut off on the left hand side.

+ SALES PROPOSAL / SALES QUOTE EDITOR - Document Settings - The "Show Tabs" toggle switch is inconsistent (make green instead of red)


Feburary 2020 

+ SALES PROPOSAL / SALES QUOTE EDITOR - New feature in price table settings to allow the sales consultant to group repeating charges in a sales proposal / quote price table (or not).  Currently, repeating price line items are grouped seperately to one-off price lines, this does not suit all QuoteCloud users, so we plan to build the option to choose grouping or not.

+ SALES PROPOSAL / SALES QUOTE EDITOR - Update to the sales proposal / quote price table settings feature, these settings will now appear in a new popup window. There will also be a new feature to set your preference for grouping repeating costs (e.g. monthly, quartery, annual costs) or not.  Currently QuoteCloud will always group repeating cost line items below one-off price line items.  This new feature will let you decide if you want repeating cost price line items below one-off price line items, or left mixed with one-off line items.


Janurary 2020

+ SALES PROPOSAL / SALES QUOTE EDITOR - price tables can now handle prices with up to 4 decimal places, this feature is useful for organisations that need to have pricing below 1 cent/pence, etc for example if you sold 1000 minutes of talk time on a phone plan for 0.0067cents.

+ SALES PROPOSAL / SALES QUOTE EDITOR - Row and Columns feature in the sales proposal editor - split a row into columns for easy organisation of content blocks e.g. text, images, videos.

+ SALES PROPOSAL / SALES QUOTE EDITOR - new settings feature for content blocks (as well rows and columns) set - padding, margins, border, border radius, background colour, background images and more...

+ SALES PROPOSAL / SALES QUOTE EDITOR - add an image to general price row - currently price line images are available when adding products/services from the product catalogue in QuoteCloud, now you have the option to add images for adhoc price lines.

+ SALES PROPOSAL / SALES QUOTE EDITOR - Ability to optionally allow your customers to adjust the quantity to order in sales proposals / quotes before they accept and sales proposal / quote.

+ SALES PROPOSAL / SALES QUOTE EDITOR - Ability to set price lines as options - let your customer choose which option they want to purchase.  Price options can be set to multiple or single choice within a sub heading (group)

+ SALES PROPOSAL / SALES QUOTE EDITOR - new price table settings feature that configures a sales proposal price table to not show price line items in a sales proposal if the quantity of the line item is zero.  This will allow sales proposal template administrators to create a sales proposal price table template with many price line items preloaded.  When a sales consultant creates a sales proposal using this sales proposal template, sales consultants need only set a quantity for the price line item to appear in the sales proposal that is sent to a customer.  This feature will save time by avoiding the task of manually removing unwanted line items.  This suits businesses that prefer to create a standard price table of products/service line items in a sales proposal template.

+ SALES PROPOSAL / SALES QUOTE EDITOR - If your QuoteCloud account is configured to not allow Discounts, you will no longer see the Discount button in the price table editor, as no discounts can be assigned, previously the button displayed an empty drop down.

+ SALES PROPOSAL / SALES QUOTE VEWIER - there is a new column for "Total Recurring Price", this column appears when a repeating charge is applied to a price line item, for example a monthly charge.  This new column shows the total price i.e. Quantity x Price.

+ SALES PROPOSAL / SALES QUOTE EDITOR - a new option has been added to the Edit User Profile option in the Configuration menu. This switch will allow each user to decide when editing or creating new sales proposals, if they prefer the sales proposal editor opened in a new browser tab, or use the same tab as the sales proposal dashboard.

+ SALES PROPOSAL / SALES QUOTE EDITOR - The presentation of content blocks have been made "What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG)" to represent as closely as possible to the PDF and HTML view as the customer will see your sales proposal content.  This mainly applies to the page width (which is set to A4 for PDF, and the equivalent in Pixels for the HTML view).

+ SALES PROPOSAL / SALES QUOTE EDITOR / TEMPLATES - customise your cover page layout with the new custom cover page editor.  This great new tool lets you move away from the standard layout of information on sales proposal cover pages. You can now completely control the design of your own cover page content.

+ COVER PAGE LIBRARY - A new library of cover page background images is available with a new option to add these to your Cover Page Library.

+ CONTACT ADDRESS BOOK - usability improvement - the footer menu bar now sticks to the bottom of the page instead of scrolling off page when the number of contact displayed falls below the page fold.  This is now standard across all content libraries - products, images, spreadsheets, pdf;s, text blocks, telco libraries - phones, devices, addons.

+ SALES FORECAST TOOL - If your account is set-up to manage other sales consultants in QuoteCloud, you can now view and adjust the sales forecast data for all sales proposals within your team.  There is a new column filter for "Sales Team" and "Sales Consultant".  This feature will only appear if your user account is set-up to manage other Sales Consultants.

+ PDF CONTENT LIBRARY  - the ability to add sub-folders in the PDF library has been introduced, this will cater for those organisations that have very large PDF libraries for example those customers using the PDF library for product brochures/specification sheets, or safety information for products.  The QuoteCloud PDF library is very popular for embedding complex content layouts into sales proposals, especially for product specification pages

+ SALES PROPOSAL DASHBOARD - New left toolbar added to the left hand side of the sales proposal dashboard, this toolbar will contain quick access to the major components of the QuoteCloud system, such as Sales Proposal Dashboard, Inbox, Contacts, Integration, software extensions, help centre, etc

+ SALES PROPOSAL DASHBOARD - Inbox - a new feature, it is designed to make viewing messages very easy to access in one place. Messages in your inbox are comments from customers when reading sales proposals, as well as system notifications.  For ease of use, this new message Inbox is styled just like an email inbox, such as Outlook or Gmail, etc.

+ DATA USAGE REPORTING - Data storage analysis tool - this utility gives you an instant view of your storage usage versus your subscription plan. This tool now shows storage used for the Contracts & Plans (Telco) plugin software libraries (Mobile phones, phone system products, addons)

+ WORKFLOW PLUGIN - Discounted Sales Proposals - This plugin now gives the option for manager approval to be only triggered if a discount is applied to the sales proposal.

+ WORKFLOW PLUGIN - Automatic Follow-up emails to customers - A new feature has been added to this plugin that allows the sales consultant or system administrator to configure sales proposal reminders to be automatically sent to customers.  This feature is designed to increase sales conversion by automatically sending a reminder email if a customer has not opened a sales proposal after a defined number of days.  The reminders can also be sent after a defined number of days since the sales proposal was sent, and if the customer has not opened it recently.

+ WORKFLOW PLUGIN - CC Email Alerts - It is now possible to set email addresses for the Approval Even and Payment Event email alerts to be copied to other people, such as your finance/accounts department, so they are alerted when a sales proposal is approved or a customer makes a payment on a sales proposal (using the QuoteCloud Payments plugin)

+ SALES QUOTE - PDF FORMAT - the User Interface to configure the PDF Page Header and Footer for sales proposals, is due to be enhanced with new features two bring the editing more inline with how desktop tools like Word and Google Docs manager headers and footers.

November 2019

+ SALES PROPOSAL EDITOR - Update for sales proposal price table - the sales proposal price table was not showing the TOTAL COST column even though the hide/show switch was set to show the column.

+ SALES PROPOSAL DASHBOARD - Update to the sales proposal Notes function, to allow for a sales consultant to delete a note if required.

+ SALES PROPOSAL EDITOR - Improved the auto save function to work in more situations.


October 2019

+ E-SIGNATURES - Updated layout of e-signature certificate in sales proposals.

+ SALES PROPOSAL VIEWER - Fixed issue with embedded PDF's not rendering in the sales proposal viewer

+ SALES PROPOSAL EDITOR - Fixed profit calculation to account for discounts/margins and markups in sales proposals

+ SALES PROPOSAL DASHBOARD - Allow consultants to delete sales proposal notes

+ INTEGRATION - Add sales proposal PDF file URL for Zapier supported Apps

+ More descriptive client information is provided in the sales proposal discussion email.

+ CONTENT LIBRARIES - Issue causing content libraries not to render when corrupted data is detected is now patched.

+ ACCOUNT CONTROLLER - Activation button in registration email now easier to click on touch devices.

+ SALES PROPOSAL VIEWER - Fixed sales proposal pricing table issue where the summary row would be wider than the pricing table.

+ CONTENT LIBRARIES - Content library font reduced to allow more content to be viewed on screen without scrolling.

+ CONTENT LIBRARIES - UI enhancements - Content libraries now have fixed footer and allow internal scrolling.

+ SALES CONTRACT AND PLANS PLUGIN - Fixed issue with Plans and Contracts (Telco) plugin not saving data.

+ SALES PROPOSAL VIEWER - Fixed alignment of content in sales proposal cover pages (affected since last version only)

+ SALES CONTRACT AND PLANS PLUGIN - Changed layout of Plans and Contracts (Telco) plugin content libraries. Allowing more information to be viewed while editing.

+ PDF LIBRARY - Adding more vertical space to preview inside the PDF library.

+ SALES PROPOSAL EDITOR - Reduced height of toolbars inside the video editor and content libraries.

+ SALES PROPOSAL DASHBOARD - Updated Sales Proposal Notes area to a tabbed view to filter information.

+ SALES PROPOSAL EDITOR - Upgraded Froala Editor to version 3.0

+ UX - Minor UI/UX changes throughout the software application.

+ SALES PROPOSAL EDITOR - Add French and English support to CAD currency within sales proposals. 

+ INTEGRATION - URL for the sales proposal PDF version has been added to Zapier for integration to 3rd party systems

+ SALES PROPOSAL VIEWER - prevent unwated empty pages when embedding multiple PDF files in to a sales proposals

+ SALES PROPOSAL VIEWER - update to controller software that creates the sales proposals in PDF format - to stop characters being cut in half when a text block runs over two pages.

+ SALES PROPOSAL VIEWER - Fix for view mode of sales proposals (HTML/web version) not showing embedded PDF files (caused by the bulk PDF file uploader for the PDF library, not correctly creating the page image to display in the web version of sales proposals.  Now the software has a safeguard to check for page images that do not exist from a bulk PDF file upload.

New Features

+ SALES PROPOSAL TEMPLATES - Added support for selected Google Fonts and Asian fonts (can be seen Edit Style and Edit Templates function).

+ SALES PROPOSAL EDITOR - New Profit Margin and cost calculator within the Sales Proposal Editor: calculating the cost vs price of products including discounts.

+ SALES PROPOSAL EDITOR - New Total Monthly Costs column can now be added to the pricing table (Plans and Contracts -Telco plugin).

+ SALES PROPOSAL EDITOR - Added full screen mode when editing a spreadsheet.


August 2019

+ SALES PROPOSAL VIEWER - India Rupee currency display; the display of the Indian Rupee has been updated to the correct format.

+ SALES CONTRACTS AND PLANS PLUGIN - Release of the Contracts and Plans plugin is now available.  This new plugin contains special features for any organisation that sells service contract plans and products based on different monthly repayment plans.  This plugin is the perfect solution if you sell IT solutions, business phone systems, or mobile phone plans,etc.


May 2019

+ SALES PROPOSAL EDITOR -  a new improved sales proposal editor User Interface.  This update contains many updates to the user interface to improve speed and efficiency for Sales Consultants.  This update covers the following areas:

a) new design for accessing the content libraries

b) compacted the price table editor to allow more visual space when editing pricing data

c) the cover pages section (first section in a sales proposal) now provides a full preview of the cover page with settings avaiable through options on the right hand tool bar.


Feature 2019

+ SALES PROPOSAL VIEWER - Chinese, Japanese and Korean fonts now work in PDF's for QuoteCloud sales proposals.  Previously these characters only worked in the web view of a sales proposal.  Happy selling to our Chinese, Japanese and Korean fields :)

+ SALES PROPOSAL EDITOR - It is now possible to set the currency for a sales proposal -- in sales proposals and sales proposal templates. Previously the currency was set for for your entire QuoteCloud account and was single currency.  The default will be the currency set by your account, this can be overridden in a single sales proposal or set in the a sales proposal templates.  This feature will not be available if you have activated the QuoteCloud Payments plugin (we are working with the team at the Stripe Payment Gateway to upgrade our implementation of Stripe payments to allow for multi-Currency.  Stay tuned for updates on this Stripe upgrade!

+ SALES PROPOSAL CREATION WIZARD - Phone number has been added to the create sales proposal wizard.  this will allow you to record the customer's contact phone number for each sales proposal you create

+ SALES PROPOSAL EDITOR - the User interface for managing your content libraries (text, images, videos, spreadsheets, PDF's) has been completely overhauled to make it quicker and easier to manage your libraries.

+ SALES PROPOSAL TEMPLATES - The options that are available in the Edit Styles function (in the Configuration Menu of the user dashboard) are now available when creating Sales Proposal Templates.  This is useful if you want to vary a template from the system default settings in the Edit Styles function.




NOTE: Software release notes were first published on this website February 2019.