Price Tables
When you create a sales quote and open it in the Sales Quote Editor, you will be taken initially to the "Pricing" section. You can have one pricing table or several, depending on your needs.
Create or edit a sales quote, in your Pricing section, click on the + button and select Price Table, as shown below.
You can add price line items in two ways:
1. Click on the Add Price Row button; this will add an empty price line item to the table for you to type the line item description, price, quantity, etc.
2. Add a product from your Product Catalogue Content Library to the price table. This is done but clicking on the Products button on the right side of the page in the content libraries column. You can either drag and drop or double click on the product to add it to the price table.
As new products are added to the pricing table, the totals are automatically re-calculated, any appropriate tax added, and any discounts or markups dynamically applied. Once added, you can make manual adjustments as needed; adjust the price, increase/decrease the quantity, and switch the displaying of columns/rows on/off.
A couple of configuration settings are:
Repeating Cost: this column allows you to change a product from a fixed-price item to an ongoing term-based price. A fixed price or "one-off" price is when you purchase something outright, say, you're buying an office chair - this could be purchased outright at a one-off price of $100, for example. However, that said office chair could be leased or rented every month over a 12-month period. For this scenario, you can tick the "REPEATING COST" box and enter 12 in the term column.
Term: The "Term" feature appears when you tick on REPEATING COST. It sets up a repeating cost over a set contract term. You can select the frequency of the repeating cost using the Term drop-down; the available frequencies are in Days, Weeks, Months, Quarters, and Years.
You may also click on the Cogs (Settings) button to view Pricing Table Settings. This can be used for better customization.
There is a range of tabs and customisations available for you to configure. Any settings changes in this screen will change the entire price table settings. To change the settings per price line item, you will need to adjust the settings at individual row level.
Add Sub-headings to Pricing Items
To split the pricing table up into logical groups, use the Add Section Heading button at the top of the screen; this will allow you to organise your price line items under different headings.
Note: You can also reorder the pricing line items by dragging them to new positions, using the up/down arrow icon on the left of the price line row.
Toggle on Preview to view the price table with your preferred settings.
Note: If you are using a device with a small screen size, the price table will scroll left and right to view and use all the columns in the price table. QuoteCloud will format the price table differently in the sales quote when viewed by a customer (or previewed by you using the Save and Preview button. All content in QuoteCloud is formatted to A4 for size to suit conversion to a PDF file that your customers can easily print.