Changing a Sales Consultants Email Address
The email address used by a Sales Consultant is an essential part of QuoteCloud; it is used in the following main components of QuoteCloud.
- 1. The user identification to log in to a QuoteCloud account
- 2. When sending sales quotes to a customer, the Sales Consultants email address is used as the "reply to" email address if a customer replies to the emailed sales quote from QuoteCloud
- 3. The Sales Consultants email address can be embedded into a sales quote as a data item, automatically populated.
Inevitably people will leave your organization, or there may be other reasons an email address can change. This topic covers how a Sales Consultant's email address can be changed.
Changing an Email Address
Login to the QuoteCloud account that requires the email address change.
Click on the Account menu on the Sales Quote Dashboard, select the Edit Profile menu, as shown below.

Click on the Change button on the right of the Email data item, as can be seen below.

Type your QuoteCloud password and then enter your new email address.

Click on the Save button to complete the email address change.
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